| 1. | In this area black frost usually comes first in early december 这个地区通常在1 2月初开始出现严霜。 |
| 2. | On that bleak hill - top the earth was hard with a black frost , and the air made me shiver through every limb 在那荒凉的山顶上,土地由于结了一层黑冰而冻得坚硬,冷空气使我四肢发抖。 |
| 3. | On that bleak hill top the earth was hard with a black frost , and the air made me shiver through every limb 在那荒凉的山顶上,土地由于结了一层黑冰而冻得坚硬,冷空气使我四肢发抖。 |
| 4. | I opened the glass - door in the breakfast - room : the shrubbery was quite still : the black frost reigned , unbroken by sun or breeze , through the grounds 我打开早餐室的玻璃门,只见灌木丛中一片沉寂,虽然风和日丽,严霜却依然覆盖着大地。 |
| 5. | A fortnight later , when the snow had gone , and had been followed by a hard black frost , she took advantage of the state of the roads to try the experiment 两个礼拜以后,风雪过去了,接着又是一场严酷的霜冻,她就利用道路冻住了的时候去进行这次拜访。 |
| 6. | Antique : dry vintage wines from this range feature sophisticated , rich but not obsessive ” flavor that is in perfect harmony with delicate freshening taste . black frosted bottle and elegant classic label will suit both a formal dinner and a private supper 古董系列:这款干性葡萄酒的特点在于它的醇厚,丰富而不松散,它黑色的瓶体与雅致经典的酒标适用于各种不同类型的晚宴。 |
| 7. | Antique : dry vintage wines from this range feature sophisticated , rich but not “ obsessive ” flavor that is in perfect harmony with delicate freshening taste . black frosted bottle and elegant classic label will suit both a formal dinner and a private supper 古董系列:这款干性葡萄酒的特点在于它的醇厚,丰富而不松散,它黑樱桃红的颜色,入口芳香浓郁持久,酒体优质柔顺,后味平滑完美,窖藏后更佳。 |
| 8. | Antique : dry vintage wines from this range feature sophisticated , rich but not “ obsessive ” flavor that is in perfect harmony with delicate freshening taste . black frosted bottle and elegant classic label will suit both a formal dinner and a private supper 古董系列:这款干性葡萄酒的特点在于它的醇厚,丰富而不松散,它成熟的柑橘和新鲜的青草香,有轻微的金银花和橙子的香味,还有经橡木发酵形成的烤面包和坚果的芳香。 |